Sacred Spirituality Coach Certification
Public Healing
Public Healing
Active 7 months ago
As the 3D/4D continues to crumble, the need for connected-to-Source Light Beings facilitating... View more
Public Healing
Group Description
As the 3D/4D continues to crumble, the need for connected-to-Source Light Beings facilitating empowered, transformational healing is and will dramatically increase.
And in order for true and lasting change to take place, we must be connected to the frequency of Immense Love (the focus for 2022).
This Immense Love begins with you of course, as we must each do everything we can to live as The Divine, unified-with-Higher Self beings we truly are.
This devotion to the Ascension of our own consciousness and to the collective consciousness of Light Beings is what creates the next Golden Age.
In our Immense Love Sacred Spirituality Coach Certification, you’ll receive all the Advanced technology tools and training you need to begin your own off-the-grid, out-of-the-matrix private practice serving and supporting the co-creation of the next Golden Age.
And if you’re already a healer / creatrix in the world (and btws, you wouldn’t be reading this if you weren’t #justsayin), you’ll be able to integrate this modality into your current gifts in a Way that’s truly aligned for your Highest Lifestream (we’ll work together 1:1 to make sure it is so too).
You may also wish to receive this training to hold the Highest Light Codes it brings into your body Temple and shine that Light everywhere you go, never even speaking a word.
MM & the HLT are showing me that there are many Ways for this 6-12 month offering to manifest in your experience.
On top of all of that goodness, you’ll be “in” with us for the rest of this life-stream (if you so choose of course) to continue to elevate and develop your skills as a 5D+ transformational Sacred Spirituality Coach.