
The Freedom People Directory FAQs

Business FAQ

If you are a business owner staying open, list your business on our directory so Freedom People can find and support Freedom Businesses! When you create your listing, the email entered will create your own account to own your listing. Each business owner can then add photos, edit the descriptions, add multiple business locations, etc. 
After a business is submitted we receive a notification and will review it for typos, formatting errors and to prevent spam. We may reach out to you for any clarifications before listing but typically within a few hours submissions are listed! You will receive an email when your listing is approved.
Our minimum requirements are social distancing and no masks. At this time we will not accept online only or MLM type businesses. Partially online businesses are accepted.
Free! We, The Freedom People like to think we are being paid in Freedom. We thank you for joining us in support of this community. We are looking for volunteers, specifically with coding experience.

User FAQ

You can use all 3 search filters (category, keywords, location) or just one. To get the best location accuracy, click on the red dot and make sure your location preferences are enabled on your phone.
We receive notifications when a comment is submitted and review comments for typos and to prevent spam or bullying. If your comment still doesn’t show after 24 hours feel free to contact us asking why.

Troubleshooting FAQ

Go to https://thefreedompeople.org/ in the upper right corner click “Sign in” Then under fields click on “Forgot Password?” From there you can enter your email you set up the listing with and click the red “Request reset link” box.

Click on the Places Dashboard menu item at the left sidebar. From the Stats Dashboard page, click on the Your Listings menu item. Clicking on your listing name will show you how your listing looks to users. Click the “edit” underneath your listing name to edit any part of your listing. 

Hover your mouse over your Account menu on the top right of the screen; it should be your email name if you are logged in. From your account menu, click on “Edit Profile”. Be sure to scroll to the bottom of the form and click the red “save changes” when you are finished.