August 24, 2024

Ringing The Cedars

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Gabriel Miguel is the Founder & Executive Director of the Anastasia Foundation. Inspired by the Ringing Cedars of Russia book series, the Anastasia Foundation is at the forefront of the Ringing Cedars movement in the English-speaking world. With a focus on connecting, inspiring, and empowering Ringing Cedars readers everywhere, the Foundation has become the largest international community of Ringing Cedars readers outside of Russia. The Foundation will also be the exclusive publisher of the Ringing Cedars of Russia series in English internationally. Vladimir Megre, author of the Ringing Cedars of Russia books, wrote to Gabriel: “Gabriel, I intuitively feel that you could create a large and powerful community in the English-speaking countries. It could present the world with a new paradigm for overcoming the crisis. “The correctness of my assumptions has been proven in practice. In all countries where I have ever spoken to readers, they expressed their desire to create and be friends. “I am grateful to you that you feel the situation well and are able to do a great deal for all the people in the world.” Through its community-driven approach and extensive network, the Anastasia Foundation is helping to create the New Civilization on Earth.

Show Notes


The conversation is an introduction to the Anastasia Foundation and the concepts presented in the Ringing Cedars of Russia book series. The books, written by Vladimir Megre, describe a new civilization based on a natural path of development. The main idea is the creation of kin’s domains, which are two and a half acre spaces where families create a living paradise garden home for themselves and future generations. These domains are a direct connection to God and the universe through nature. The conversation includes examples of real settlements and domains that have been created based on these principles. The conversation explores the practical implementation of Anastasia’s vision of Kin’s domains and the importance of land ownership and self-sustainability. Gabriel Miguel shares examples of successful settlements in Russia where families have secured hectares of land and created flourishing gardens. He emphasizes the significance of owning land in perpetuity and the freedom it brings. The conversation also touches on the compromised food supply and the need for food independence. Gabriel Miguel invites listeners to connect with the Anastasia Foundation and join the global community of like-minded individuals.
keywordsAnastasia Foundation, Ringing Cedars of Russia, kin’s domains, natural path of development, living paradise, direct connection to God, real settlements, Anastasia, Kin’s domains, land ownership, self-sustainability, successful settlements, Russia, food independence, Anastasia Foundation


  • The Anastasia Foundation promotes the concepts presented in the Ringing Cedars of Russia book series.
  • The books describe a new civilization based on a natural path of development.
  • Kin’s domains are two and a half acre spaces where families create a living paradise garden home.
  • These domains provide a direct connection to God and the universe through nature.
  • Real settlements and domains have been created based on these principles. Kin’s domains are a practical way to implement Anastasia’s vision of living in harmony with nature.
  • Land ownership in perpetuity is crucial for securing freedom and self-sustainability.
  • Successful settlements in Russia demonstrate the power of owning land and creating flourishing gardens.
  • Food independence is essential for personal and community resilience.
  • The Anastasia Foundation connects like-minded individuals and supports the development of Kin’s domains worldwide.


  • Kin’s Domains: Creating Living Paradise Gardens for Future Generations
  • A Natural Path of Development: Rediscovering Our Connection to God and Nature Food Independence: Nourishing the Body and Soul
  • Join the Global Community: The Anastasia Foundation

Sound Bites

  • “We’re all looking for a new way of living that’s going to ensure the happiness and the love and the joy of our families currently and for generations to come.”
  • “The Ringing Cedars of Russia book series is a worldwide movement that has affected the lives of tens of millions of people.”
  • “Kin’s domains are a direct connection to God and the universe through nature.”
  • “This is so far out of the realm of speculation and it’s so far in practice.”
  • “Wow, that’s big.”
  • “Holy moly!”


00:00 Introduction and Background
01:46 The Concept of Kin’s Domains
15:41 The Purpose of Mankind: Conjoined Creation and Joy for All
17:39 Taking Back Your Motherland
23:01 Creating Your Kin’s Domain
26:54 The Connection to God and the Universe
30:12 Kin’s Domains as a Solution to World Crisis
31:19 Introduction to Kin’s Domains and the Anastasia movement
32:07 Changing the Way We Live
33:04 Successful Kin’s Domains Settlements in Russia
34:32 Practical Implementation of Kin’s Domains
35:45 The Mission of the Anastasia Foundation
36:41 The Power of Creating a Space of Love
44:40 Partnership and Collaboration for a Better Future
48:32 The Importance of Land Ownership and Self-Sustainability
55:58 The Nourishing Power of Nature
58:09 Joining the Anastasia Community

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