Swan Integrative Health combines conventional and complimentary approaches to wellness in a coordinated manner, integrating these through a holistic and natural methodology. While symptomatic relief may be possible through prescription or over-the-counter medicine, it often does not cure the underlying condition responsible for the disorder. Most of us have small health complaints that we have learned to live with over the years, or perhaps a more serious chronic illness that affects our daily lives.
At Swan Integrative Health, Dr. Swan comes alongside an individual with a holistic approach, not only to manage symptoms, but also to identify and target the root cause of ailments such as:
Food, Indoor, and Outdoor Sensitivities
Depression and Anxiety
Hormone Imbalances
Muscle, Joint and Nerve Pain
Thyroid Problems
Digestive difficulties
Skin Disorders
Many other conditions that diminish quality of life
We utilize various methods and protocols to develop a personalized plan to reach your optimal health goal, which may include:
Managing pain and/or symptoms
Finding the root cause ~ why a symptom is being experienced, such as, “Why is someone experiencing chronic fatigue?” or “Why have digestive difficulties or joint pain developed?”
Supporting the body’s organs and systems in order for them to function optimally
Encouraging healthier responses to illness or stresses on the body in order to maintain a state of balance and to diminish further symptoms caused by the way the body previously handled challenges.
Services offered:
Consultations – in person or via telehealth
Foot Detox
Infrared Sauna
Mild Hyperbaric Chamber
qEEG Neurofeedback (Brain training)
Frequency generator
PEMF machines