
Awakened Self-Healing

Leni S. Pratte is a Detox & Transformation Coach, Breath Coach, Ayurvedic Yoga Therapist, Holistic Wellness Practitioner and Non-duality Teacher.

Leni guides health-seekers to attain high-level wellness, balance, disease prevention/reversal and spiritual advancement through her customized Body-Mind Purification program, enabling you to thrive and optimize your mind-body complex.

In her healing journey, detoxification and purification of the body, mind and emotions were crucial in how she overcame cancer, autoimmune and chronic symptoms. This became the basis for her Body-Mind Purification program, personalized for each client, preparing them to propel and catalyze their self-healing and transformation.

You will learn how to self-heal and transform using the 4 Pillars of the Body-Mind Purification program – Nutrition, Lifestyle/Detox, Breath-work, Non-duality/Yoga. As you cleanse and detoxify your body-mind temple, you also rejuvenate and restore bodily functions, reversing aging internally and externally.

Leni’s clients have not only experienced increased immunity, energy and vitality but have also reversed symptoms, lost weight, dropped pharmaceutical drugs, released unwanted emotions/energies, enhanced their connection to Source.

Lowering your toxic load, boosting immunity and rejuvenating your body temple are vital keys to optimal wellness because as many studies show, you can wear a mask, you can social distance and you can quarantine but you can still get the virus, and the studies even shows the detrimental effects of mask-wearing and ultra-sanitation habits. Only a healthy immune system can TRULY ward off pathogens, viruses, bacteria, mold and so on.

You can literally make yourself impermeable to pathogens!

When you combine a healthy lifestyle with proper nutrition, supplementation, exercise, sunlight, yoga, meditation, grounding and breathing practices, you can unleash more energy and attain optimal levels of health.

This formula helped me heal from cancer, autoimmune and chronic issues and became the basis for my Body-Mind Purification program which consists of 4 pillars – Nutrition, Lifestyle & Detox, Breathwork and Nonduality/Yoga.

When the body, mind and emotions are free from debris, we become pure, light and free, a clear vessel for Divine transmission.

After years of intense research, self-healing and yogic self-study, Leni has certified in Holistic Wellness Coaching, SOMA Breath, Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy, Aromatherapy, The Hormone Cure and Psychology of Consciousness on Non-dual Philosophy.

Leni is dedicated to helping others attain optimal wellness, emotional balance and disease prevention through nontoxic, holistic modalities. She offers one/three/six month transformational programs one-on-one and in small groups.

Follow Leni at EventBrite, Facebook and Instagram. You can reach Leni at Leni@AwakenedSelfHealing.com.

“When one is free from physical disabilities and mental distractions, the gates of the soul open.” ~B.K.S. Iyengar~

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