Micro Current Neurofeedback (MCN) is a non-invasive, state-of-the-art method for optimizing the brain to function in a more balanced and healthful way. MCN has proven to be helpful to sufferers of many neurological conditions including chronic pain, depression, anxiety, migraines, PTSD, ADHD and many more.
MCN Treats the Problem, Not the Symptom. MCN has been clinically shown to be helpful in reducing symptoms associated with brain imbalances and dysregulation. These areas include: Anxiety, ADD, ADHD, addictions, anger, anxiety, Autism, brain fog, Bruxism, Chronic Fatigue, concussions, depression, Fibromyalgia, hypervigilance, irritability, lack of focus, learning disabilities, Lyme, memory problems, migraines, OCD, pain, panic attacks, PMS, PTSD, Shingles, sleep/insomnia, stress, Tourette’s, TBI’s, Tinnitus and many more.
MCN Corrects Brain Wave Imbalances. The brain is a bioelectrical system. Every thought, sensation and emotion are brought about by the electrical firing of neurons in the brain. The cumulative effect of millions of neurons firing produces brain waves.
After decades of studies, healthy brain wave patterns have been documented. Healthy brain wave patterns are balanced and predictable. A healthy, balanced and properly regulated brain will produce the appropriate brain waves at the appropriate times. These healthy patterns are referred to as Neural Regulation.
In contrast, Neural Dysregulation occurs when the brain and nervous system are injured or stressed. Brain wave patterns become unhealthy and imbalanced. This Neural Dysregulation results in a wide range of conditions including depression, chronic pain, ADHD, anxiety, PTSD, memory, lack of focus, and many more.
The effectiveness of MCN is thought to be its ability to interrupt the unhealthy brain wave patterns and stimulate new healthy ones. Like rebooting a computer, MCN stimulates the brain to reset itself and develop new healthy brain wave patterns. The result is the minimization of unhealthy brain wave patterns and the symptoms associated with them.