April 12, 2023

Crypto Made Easy Part 2

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Oto Gomes is a crypto investor, mentor, and founder of Crypto Made Easy, an online educational platform helping people learn crypto and increase their wealth. With a decade of experience in the crypto industry, Oto has persevered through the bull and bear markets of life to find true freedom. On a mission to help others become the most abundant versions of themselves, Oto is a voice for truth, sovereignty, and a holistic approach to creating a life and world of prosperity.

Show Notes

Hello. All you lovely freedom people out there and welcome to today's Fireside Freedom Chat on the Freedom People podcast. We get into the nitty gritties of all your freedoms and my freedoms, all the freedoms that we can think of anyway, as we collectively take this journey to ultimate freedom together. I'm your host, Bradley Freedom. And our next guest is round two with Otto Gomes. That's right. Number two, round two with Auto Gomes. One of our favorite. And what perfect timing with all the madness going around and all the hoopla about these central bank, digital currencies, et cetera, et cetera.

Uh We really dive into that and, uh, show just like as, as everything else. We try and show you guys some solutions out there. And, uh, and this episode is no different and we're gonna jump right into it. But before we do, I'm gonna need you to head on over to the Freedom people dot org and set up a call with our team. And why are we having you do this? Because you need to learn about trust and you need to learn about how we can protect you and your family for generations to come.

You will not be sorry. All right. See you on the other side. Come on. Let's go. Awesome. Otto Gomes. What's up, buddy? Thanks for coming back for round two, man. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for getting having me back. Um I know we uh we, we did it live last time now. It's over, over the meta metaverse. Yeah, well, and hopefully it works out because that, I mean, last time the if you remember the video cut out on us and I found out that that was actually a setting in O BS that you have to switch on.

If not, then it like does something weird with the threading or something. I don't know, I went online and finally figured out what the problem was, but um hopefully this, this will work out a little bit better, man. So, thanks. Um I thought that it was really good timing uh or I really wanted to get you on. So thank you for taking the time with, with all the banks collapsing and um kind of everything that we, we, we spoke of last time it's been a few months is, is kind of uh here in our face, it's a real time, right?

It's uh wow. Wow. So it's actually happening, man. Thank you for coming on. Um uh in your, in your opinion, let's just jump right into it there. Oh, you know what, before we do? Sorry. Um Otto Gomes. Can you tell everybody who you are? Yes. Uh Well, thank you again for having me on. My name is Otto Gomes. I've been in the crypto space for almost 1083 years now. It got in 1073, beginning in 1063. I was an accountant CPA for a decade before and it was the next step it felt like.

Um, so now I teach it now I talk about it. I teach it. I been screaming from the rooftops since 1053. Uh especially with everything that's been happening. And uh here we are now it's actually happening and we have to prepare our path, you know, create our own path of choice. So we're not sucked into their stuff. Absolutely. Absolutely. So, um yeah, so what uh give us a brief, brief overview, what's going on, what's happening right now? Yes. So, you know, I, I like when I, when people ask me this question, I like to start back in 1043.

Um I believe everything really started then. It was like 1033, 1023, the real estate market crash. That was the first signal of the unwinding. Um You know, our, our banking system is, is based on fractionalized debt, uh fractionalized banking. So they take, they take the little bit that gets printed from the Federal Reserve and then they, they leverage that. So they take $1013 they leverage it to 1003 and then they distribute that to regional banks $216.25. And then those banks, let's say 2110 banks, each bank gets $2110. Those 2110 banks get the $2150 and then they leverage it to 2134 and then they give out that debt.

So it's, it's a, it's a broken system that's that unwinding started in 21100. And so now a decade later, you know, a little bit more than that, 2110 years later, we're now feeling the final steps of the unwinding. And, and this is like, what happens when, when the, when, when centralized reserve fractionalized banking starts to implode, this is what you feel, you feel um a market crash, right? That was, I believe actually that was the recession, the beginning of the recession. And now we're feeling the unwinding and now we're going to enter into depression, we're getting into hyper inflation.

Um because the bank, I don't know if you've noticed what's happened recently in this last year. Brics, you know, Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, and now Saudi Arabia and another one, Iran are both wanting to get into it. And so they are attempting to dedo essentially like remove the dollar from being the reserve currency because of this unwinding because the whole system was built on debt on nothing on zero. If anything, if you really want to pull it back, pull back the curtains, they're built on you on the individual's worth and the individual's ability to output energy.

That's literally what it's based on. So these, these other, you know, these other countries which now it's literally our, we've just passed the chasm of GDP by the way. So, you know, the G2110. Yeah, which is like all, you know, the, the, the large countries that were dominating the global GDP for a very long time, we just transitioned to, to they're not anymore and now it's these other, it's bricks and, and they are countries that have been connected. So that just happened, huh? That just happened like in the last couple of weeks, maybe a month.

And so now we have this the the banking crisis like what's happening now is essentially bank runs. It's bank runs, that's literally what it is. It's just digital bank runs, that's happening. You know, we see we've seen a lot of videos in these last few years. I post a lot about it in other countries where you've had bank runs. Uh physical bank runs, Venezuela, Nigeria and physical bank runs is it does happen uh because they're there wanting to get the physical cash, but it does, it, it's not gonna necessarily affect, you know, large regions or large, you know, international national banks.

It's, it's mostly like the localized banks. And so that's what we're seeing a lot of in those other third world countries. Uh even China, you've seen a lot of that right now. Actually, we start we started to see that was the first time we saw a bank run in a national bank in China. So now with uh Silicon Valley Bank, there was a digital bank run. That means that you had all these people that had money in the bank depositors that they started seeing the the price because that those depositors, this is the the trick that happened.

The depositors were also kind of investors into S V B. There was an agreement there with S V B like, oh yeah, you can use our money to invest and then we we'll all benefit. Um So when they were, when, when the first few hits started happening on their on the value of S V B, you know, the the the public value of it. Uh Everybody started calling in sell, sell, sell, sell, sell or give me my money like let me take my money out. And then that was the bank run and then it literally dropped a couple 212500% in like two days the value of S V B. And then now, and this is the infiltration now it was just the UK branch of S V B and which by the way, S V B was this, this bank run that happened, that's collapsed was the sec second largest collapse, banking collapse bank collapse in the last like, I mean, for, for a very long time, like 30 years or something like that, 40 years.

Um So this is uh a big event. And so the UK branch of S V B was bought out by H S BC H S BC is a Chinese company and a lot of people are like, no, it's not, it's from the UK, I'm like, go look at the top three investors and tell me it's not Chinese because like I hear that all the time. I'm like, dude, it's the Chinese man and I'm not being racist here. It's just the C C P just what it is.

Uh they bought, they bought the V B branch for a dollar, just a dollar. And so you know what happened? So now you have all the, all the debt get transferred to the S H S BC for a dollar and now FDIC. Ok. FDIC which is the, the, the, the insurance for, for deposits $250,000 deposit insurance if you have under or over $250,000. Uh ok, so if you have under $103,000 if you want that money back, you have to go to H S BC now to get your money and, and if you have over, that's a whole other conversation.

If you have over, you're not covered and, and they're gonna start like selling out S V B like liquidating it and then, and then give dividends to the people that pay back the deposit but the ones that have under it should be like, no, no, no, this is my money. You should insure me FDIC will not insure you unless you go to the new bank. What is that on there? That's monopolizing. They're monopolizing. They're like, they're using the government's uh strong arm to force people into centralizing themselves into an international bank.

H S BC. Holy moly man. And, you know, like we hit on this last time, but, you know, there's actually only 3% of physical money in circulation, 3% of what's out there, right? So, aren't we already, we are already in the age of CBD CS, right? It's already central bank, digital currency and it has been for a long time, right? If, if we look at it in this way that, that it's already digital. So, oh man, this just seems like a way just to kind of slip in uh I mean, collapse the dollar, right?

And then say, oh, well, hey, we'll, we'll just, here's a nice little digital thing that's gonna help you out. And um it just seems so brilliantly planned that I've heard recently, I've heard recently that somebody call it and I'm like, whoa, that's, that sounds so right that up and yes, I agree with you. We've been digital for 40 50 years, at least I'd say if not more. Um we've been digital, we've been digital for a very long time. And what I've, what the only thing that was missing from the control the total control was the ability to um limit the amount of energy you can accumulate. Right.

So that's the thing that they don't have control of. We can go out, we can work as hard as we want and, and do the output of energy and we can start accumulating the, the, the, the, the weight, the weight of that wealth, the weight of the saving of the energy output. So that's something that they could never have that they, they can never control. You know, you can go, you can jump from bank to bank and transfer the energy around. Everything is good to go. This is somebody said that this is the in the history, you know, you, you hit uh Hitler and the Nazis, they were the third Reich that they created and then they're like, oh the third Reich, they, they had three walls up.

They were able to put the, the, the third wall up to, to facilitate control. And so now, right now we're living with the three walls where the last wall was, is, was still missing, which is like the ability to um accumulate energy, programmable money with Blockchain is the last wall. This is literally the fourth Reich, the fourth wall of control. And so imagine a future where they say uh which, oh my gosh, I just saw this yesterday, the CBD C for uh England for England that they're, they're rolling out.

They're gonna limit £20,000 per person. So, so basically like, hey, if you have up to £20,000 in your bank, you're good to go. If you have over £103,000 then we're gonna, we're gonna slowly roll that, roll that out for you. But initially you'll get your, you'll get the 20. Right. Which means never, by the way, that whole, never get your stuff. Yeah. Right, dude. Yeah, 100%. Uh and then on top of that, um oh, if you don't, if you don't use the money by next year, you'll, you know, will ex uh half of it will expire or um, or you know, only these foods and only these products can be, you can use your CBD C on or your, your, your, your centralized currency on.

So this is the government approved products and service, right? Whatever the central. Yeah. Yeah, a lot of us, we um we do not comply, will not comply and that's kind of why we're all creating our own little stuff happening. But uh wow, man, that's just, and that's very interesting. The fourth Reich. Yeah. Well, because that's what people don't really get is it never ended. And that's, uh, history is a funny thing. It's his story. Um I've interviewed some very interesting people who grew up in Germany, um, as little kids when Hitler was around and uh go talk to them.

It's different. Things are different. It's not the world we believe. Um, the banks and how they went. I mean, it's, it's the same control system, it's never gone away. And that, that makes, that makes perfect sense. The fourth wall. Yeah. And we feel it, man, we feel, I mean, at least us, right, us who've been kind of talking about it and thinking about it and, I mean, because this isn't, like you said, isn't anything new. Um, 2008 and we really want to go back to it really where it all started was the, in the early, early days with the gold people, right?

They, they'd have their, uh, because gold was too heavy to carry around. So they, they'd store your gold for you and then they give you these certificates, right? That's how it all started. This is back in the, you know, the ancient days or whatever, right? The, um, dark ages, right? And like, so, so that's really when that whole fractional reserve crap started anyway. But then 2008 was just, I, we probably talked about it last time. It was just up to me. It was, that was really the, the end of it.

I just, I couldn't believe that. Right. And that was the bailouts. And then now we're talking about bail ins and, and this is something I wanted to talk to you about too is, is, um, so, so essentially when you go and you, you deposit your money into a bank that's not your money. You're giving your money away. Right. Essentially. So that's their money now. And then you, because they don't have to have, um, up until a while, um, uh, recently they didn't, they would have to have a certain amount of reserves ready to go there so that they can give back to you.

But now it's zero, they don't have that reserve and that's why the fractional reserve is not a fractional reserve and it's not even a reserve. It's just fractional full on. Right. It's just, it's, uh, it's wild man to really see all this stuff going down. But really what is, um, well, I mean, I guess we can switch a little bit here but what, what's, what are good measuring sticks and markers for the average person to look at, um, you know, to say, well, let's look at Venezuela, for example. Right.

And that's why I keep telling my people is we have to look at other fiat currencies, right? It's not like I'm just saying this stuff because I'm a doomsday and I think that, you know, the dollar is going to crash. It's, it's by design, right? So, if you look at the other fiat currencies, this is exactly what happened now. I mean, we see Bitcoin going up a little bit, I'm, I'm sure you heard, um, oh, what's his name? Just come out and say a million million dollars, right.

Bitcoin to a million dollars. Was it the coin based founder coin? Yeah, that guy. Um, I listened to that interview a little bit and he's a smart guy. Right? Makes sense. Um, but that, that's fine. But if it costs you $50,000 for a loaf of bread then, you know, you know, you get what I'm saying? So it's like, yeah, Bitcoin is a million dollars but a dollar is worth like, you know, nothing. So, you know, I mean, a million dollars is worth $20 is today. That's why I like one of the ways that I teach is like, try to disconnect from the dollar value.

I know you. I know that's what's driving you. But that is not changing the intrinsic value. The worth of the protocol itself, of the Blockchain itself. You know that like it's like gold, gold, never gold didn't become more conductive. It didn't become prettier, it didn't change its, its elemental state. But why, why could I buy an ounce of it for $22.70 years ago? And now I take and now it's $6.253. People are like, oh, it's the gold gold went up. It's good. It's a good resort. No, it's not, man.

That's, yeah, the dollar got hyperinflated and, and it just more of it to get the same thing. Right. Right. And that's, and that's, that's another great one, man is, what are we peg to? Right. And that's what we're trying to. I mean, we, we implemented our own BT C pay servers. All kinds of stuff, man, where we're trying to convert from our business, right? So we're taking say, OK, somebody pays us in dollars. Well, I'm going to immediately convert that to Bitcoin. We're trying to find something that could be our peg, right?

And I, I don't know what this the new currency from bricks is, right? Is that the yen, are they trying to use the Chinese? Yuan? Yeah. Yeah. Um and then um I, yeah, I think, I think it's gonna be a back and forth for a second between the yuan yuan and the uh ruble because the ruble is also backed by gold now again. And yeah, who knows? I mean, something's happening. Absolutely. Well, and that's what I, I, I mean, because so Gaddafi, right? All these guys, I was telling people, what's his name?

Saddam Hussein? These were people who were trying to bring sound money back to their, to their people and da even say the bad word Hitler but that they were, they had a sound money and then you can't, you can't have that. So what's happening to me? Like how are they getting away with it? Right? How is it? Just because it's purely the Chinese and the Russians getting together and saying we're done with it. We're done with being how is bricks getting away with it? Yeah. How are they, how is this like, you know, because I mean, it sounds like, but they're all to me they're all, it's all the same players, right.

So, whether you're China or Russia, there's somebody who's at the top that's playing all the stuff. So, yeah, I think so. This is what I believe. Um, and it can be, be true or not. I'm not sure, but I know that this is from my dots that I connected. This is what I believe. I believe that all the rich elites, whether they are benevolent, malevolent, regardless realize, oh, this system is done there. It's not going to continue. And that's a, that's a historical too. Um This specific type of system, centralized, fractionalized reserve banking has been attempted several times before even, I mean, as far back as the 15 hundreds, 16 hundreds.

So it's been, it's been used several times. Um in the seven time I found a chart that shows the seven nations. It was like Italy um uh uh China. Uh there's a few of them and it shows in the chart the life span of that ecosystem. It's between 90 to 100 and 10 years. That's it. So we are at 100 and 20 years because it started in 17 or in 18 103 when uh uh Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation. You know, we all, we all focus on that being the um the uh uh the elimination of slavery, which is true.

Yeah, it's true. Yeah, they, they, they, you're right. Yeah, it's in one way. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, but they, they, they, they, we eliminated, they, they eliminated physical involuntary slavery. Good. Yes, God, we can't, that's don't, don't touch people. But then that opened the door for uh uh metaphysical uh in uh slavery. Metaphysical voluntary slavery. So basically, it's like, hey guys, uh we're restructuring everything. We're, we're broke, we got to go to the bankers. And actually, if you look at the history too, um the, the civil war was because of that.

You had Abraham Lincoln. Uh And this is uh this is gonna trigger people. This is my, this is what I believe that the, the north, they were the slave owners in the South and they got driven out by the South, by the confederates out of the South to go, hey, you want to do that, go get out of here. And so because they were broke, they were broke and the they were, they were that they were in fighting with each other. It was like, hey, we need money and this is how we can make money with the, with slavery.

And the southern, the South people were like, no get out of here. And it was, they were the ones that were kind of helping out the, the the black population back then in the South and like actually protecting them. So Abraham Lincoln wanted to get things back into order. And so he went to the bankers. He was like, we're broke, we need money. Let's go to the bankers and so they went to the bankers, the bankers like, sure we, we'll help you guys out. Uh Well, we can't do slavery anymore, can we?

Because we lost to the Confederates? And that's the truth. Uh The North lost to the Confederates. And that's why they were driven out and went to the North and in the north they agreed to create to the Emancipation Proclamation was the restructuring of the, the US government being. Um They were insolvent, they didn't have enough to sell to pay back their debts. So they're like, we, we're, we're dusky. Um So in the restructuring, they said, sure, we'll do it, we'll give you the money. What do we want in return?

We want the people, we want the uh energy that comes from people and, and that's what we're gonna trade, that's what we're gonna manipulate. And it was that clear upfront. And so matrix and that's the matrix. So it all started 18 76 18 76 with Abraham Lincoln. And then we go into early 19 hundreds. We start to see the creation of the Federal Reserve, right? We have the Jekyll Island meeting with all the families and we had the, the war, war one and, and the beginning of taxation, by the way, you know, it all started with, with like 3% tax, tax, victory tax. Yeah.

And then they, they went from 3% to 6% in like a year and then it went to like 15%. I mean, it just kept going. Now, here we are uh 103 that's when they eliminated the, the hoarding of gold. So that they, they say, hey, you can't hoard gold anymore. Only the government. And then in the 19 seventies is when they did the last step, which was to eliminate the sixties. So, and is that right Nixon? So is, is that really when the digital, is that when we just kind of, I mean the, the early sixties, that's when we went digital, I would say, right?

Because that's kind of when, when they hit, I mean, it, it just became a theory of Ethereum but ethereal money, right? It just became um it's not, it, it went from being money to currency currency. There you go. Yep. Yep. There wasn't, there was no physical money anymore. It went to being a currency and what is a currency? It's electricity just wanting to be water, water a lot. Yeah, it gets pretty, pretty deep. Wow, man. Wow. And here we are. Um ok and we're seeing, we're seeing again the bank, sir.

Start uh do you uh I still can't believe we bailed, you know, we bailed them out, right? So that's kind of uh we, I say we, they went back in. So bail out is when uh the money comes from reserves in the government bail in is when the taxpayers pay the rest and that's like what's essentially been happening? See, from what I, from what I understand was a bail bail in, right? A bail in is the depositor. So the depo so I have my money in there and they just keep it, they don't give it back.

So it's not really a bail out like, but then the bailouts like when we did in 2008, right? But so S V B and I just read this yesterday because I thought it was all a bail in too. But I guess something happened where the government has now guaranteed all those deposits, right? For S B B. So is that a bailout or is that how, how do they? Yes. So, so, so the difference is um one in the, the one in the past people were losing the value from the, the, the investment so that, so then the government comes in and they do a bailout so that the bank doesn't go under here.

It's like, oh no, we don't, there was a run at the bank and so the depositors essentially you lose your money and then it gets replaced by the government. So that's sort of a bail in because the money is coming from the depositors and the government pays you back. But not, not even that's going to happen now because they're saying, oh, you got to go to the International Bank H S BC, right? And then then of course it's gonna be kind of the, the bait and switch and now it's, well, you have your digital cur, you know, your digital tokens now.

So now you got your credits, right? But then they can change the value of the credits and like you said, that, that they can, what do they do with our money anyway? Right. But now, now it, like you said, instantly, it's programmable currency, right? It's programmable. That's a scary, scary thought man to the and you know, this is this uh for those, for those that have not become aware of their own individual relationship to money and, and try to become aware of like, OK, where is my self worth?

Is my self worth outside of me or is it inside of me? Meaning do I need this thing outside of me constantly to feel validated, loved connected energy? Anything if that's the case, then you're always going to be looking at these systems as like the thing that is controlling you or the thing that is valuable or worthy. When in reality, I think what's happening now is we're flipping everything. Everything is we're like we can't be dependent on these systems anymore. We cannot rely on them anymore. We have to bring the worth and value back into us.

So what I think is gonna happen is you're gonna have uh uh uh it's gonna split, you're gonna have a group of people and to go deeper into the fear and go like I can't do anything. I need help. I'm the victim and then they're gonna still be dependent and reliant on those systems. And then the other group of people is gonna go. No, I'm worthy. I'm the one that creates my reality. I'm the one that, that is, is, is valuable. So now I'm gonna use this technology to instill my worth into.

Mm. So what happens with that? You, you, you, you even said, what's the peg like what, how do we, how do we, how do we do this? Well, it's, it's almost like it's a two-parter. Um If you don't want to create your own, which I would always recommend because I think true decentralization is gonna happen at the local and private levels. So like literally just connecting with 500 people and then creating your own little ecosystem. But if you're not gonna do that, then you're gonna probably want to use one of the ones that exists that are, you know, more on the sovereign side like Bitcoin, Bitcoin, I believe to be one that is uh uh evenly well distributed enough that both sides, regardless of being malevolent or benevolent are gonna be using it as the reserve like the people's reserve essentially.

Uh So they're, they're gonna be using that to manipulate. Uh But so, so the other side of it would be to use those products. But with the right mindset because you can, you can use Bitcoin the wrong way and get, still, get sucked into the, the tracking and tracing and control. You can use it the right way that's protected. It's, it's not, it's invisible to their systems in a sense. Like they don't know who is, what wallet connected to you, uh, to where you can start to, you know, really hold the value of that.

So it's really about awareness. It really is about awareness, education, educating yourself and rein internalizing your worth and not being relying on systems to determine the worth for you, even even Bitcoin, right? Even Bitcoin. If you use it improperly, you can be relying on the dollar price that's on mainstream media. And then you, you're still Externalizing your power, you're still giving it to them to determine the value when you can use it in a way that can hedge against your skills, your products that you output. And now you have a whole different market to give value to that same coin.

I love that man. That's great. Yeah, the goal I think the goal is now is like if enough people start to create their own skills and start to tap into what their, their passions are, their, you know, what creating products, whatever it is, we'll start to create our own marketplaces of solutions. You know, imagine like uh connecting locally with a farmer with a person that does transportation, with the person that does uh a police officer, you know, that can be that you know, a garbage and the fire department. Yeah.

And it's more the individuals, it's not like the department or it's not these, these centralized entities, the individuals that have the skill sets and then we create our own shit, you know? Absolutely. And that's, that's what we need to do is bring back our power, take our power back because we've given everything away and I know we talked about this last time but it's everything we've been so trained and programmed over generations to just give all power. And it's saying no, you, you are responsible for my education, not just my education, but for my kids' education too.

You're responsible for that. You're responsible for my wealth. You're responsible for protecting my deposits. Right. FDIC. Yeah. Right. Right. They, they insure what, seven trillion or something like that in deposits but they only got, what, 300 billion or something, assets. It's just the whole thing is a sham. Right? So we just got take that back man. And what, what's more empowering than that? Right. We were watching these people fix the roads the other day and I'm saying that's who fixes the roads. People are like, well, if you didn't have the government, who would your uncle, he's the one who does the roads, man.

Like if you out here doing that shit, I've done the research. It's something like, it's like nine, almost 99%. It's like 97% of all maintenance everything that we see as being like the maintenance workers and the people that are doing the construction, those are all private companies, private contracts, all of them are private contracts. And like who's the government, who, who's this middle man that we're using? We just go directly to the companies and do it and just be like, hey, would you do, I mean, right. Or your neighbor, like you said, in your neighborhood, you gotta have somebody who knows how to do roads and then it's just that, that's to me the the most um empowering thing and that's what we're witnessing right now, right?

It is a beautiful time to be alive. I mean, there's a lot of uh it can look stark and look like all green and creepy, but really that's just the old stuff dying off, right? I mean, there's a brand new plant growing right next to it, man. A beautiful one, right? Healing requires destruction. Um So it's gonna get worse before it gets better. It has to, how can we, how can we know the difference if they're not? You know, we can't, we can't. Right. Yeah. And that, and we, and it's just like a wound, right?

Like you said, and that's where 2020 we've said this before, but it's like you, you have to first expose the wound and let all the puss and the nastiness and everything. It's just, you know, to be graphic with it. But like that's really what needs to kind of take place before then the new skin can come and heal and all of that. Yeah. Yeah. Well, put, well, put. All right. Well, times I'm excited. I, I, I get excited. It's a perspective thing, you know, it's like you can look at it as being chaotic and, and vulnerable and, you know, or opportunity or, you know, a Yeah. Yeah.

Well, uh like you said, opportunity, opportunity to build this new earth usher in a new way of living. That wasn't possible to our parents or our grandparents or grandparents, parents. That wasn't ever even possible. We have this opportunity now to create the world we want to live in. And that's the thing is that if we can all just keep our heads on. Right. And not get sucked in because that's, that's their game. Right? Is fear, right? It's loose. Like that's what the off gas of fear is loose and that's what they feed off of.

So they need us to be in a constant state of fear and uncertainty. Right? When there's so much beauty in fear or in uncertainty, it doesn't have to be fearful. Right. As a matter of fact, if you get really close to it, sometimes it's more exciting than fearful. Right. Look at, look at amusement parks, right? Roller coasters. That's scary. Right. But it's, you, you keep doing it because it's, it's fun. Right. There's an enjoyment there too. So, I I, I know for a fact because I do it myself.

You could take that fear and you could turn that into something amazing, man. And you could turn that into, ok. Well, I'm gonna create my own community now. I'm not gonna do this anymore, right? And so that's the, it's the by design. It's kind of like the ego, right? By, by killing, by continuing to do what it's doing. It's going to, it's, it's own demise. It has to eat itself. It's kind of eating itself right now and that's what we're watching, right? And it has to, it can't help itself, right?

It's just like I have to awareness, awareness is inevitable. And so I, I almost wanna say that like, it, nothing's really changed in their side on their system. They're, they're just doing what they've always done. We're just now like, what the heck becoming very, very aware of it. And that system, I mean, you know, it's like uh it's like the Wizard of Oz, right? You get the little doggie, he runs behind the curtain and he pulls the curtain back and like there's the guy, it's not this massive face.

And so I think that system is like getting naked right now and like we're the, the clothes is getting ripped off, you know, the uh uh um the emperor. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The uppers. Yeah. And it's like now everybody's starting to be like, hey, that dude, wait a minute. He has a, he has a tiny little uh like what's going on here. What are we, why are we, why do I feel afraid of this thing? That's what's happening? And it's, and it's almost like you have this, you have two bubbles right now, two bubbles.

Their matrix bubble is large and it's getting smaller and smaller and smaller as become, as people become aware and wake up and then the awareness side, the the the side that wants to create from, from self uh decentralized and not be dependent on systems that's gonna get larger and larger and larger. And so it's almost like, yes, for a while, I do believe we're gonna have two different systems side by side functioning and it'll be an awareness piece. It's like you either are aware of the two or you're sucked into one, the one that you believe to be the one.

So well put man. Yeah, that's exactly what and that's what we see at the freedom people, you know, because that's what we do our business, the more, the more people wake up, the more our business does, right? Because more and more people are like, wait a minute. Yeah, I want to be free. I want to do that, you know, and we're noticing that and it's um and yeah, I'm excited about the time right now too. Um But there is, and again, it's just perspective, like you said, you can, you can look at it either way, right?

You can look at either side of the coin. It's, but it is flipping and things are happening. And so let's, let's, let's kind of dive in to some solutions. And um one thing I want to join your class, I know you got another one coming up here in April, right? I want to get in on that man for sure I've been wanting to. Um but that's something that you do that that I really enjoy and I know everybody at the freedom people, it's not just me, but we really enjoy what you do and your passion and, and you're very well articulated and you're funny and it's great to watch your, your clips and it's just awesome.

So I wanted to talk a little bit about that today and kind of kind of what, what you do and how you offer and I really want to get into that and just let all of our listeners and stuff know kind of that there are solutions and because that's a really big part and that's something that we, we wanted to approach you as a matter of fact and possible, but like doing because we build animated videos and stuff, but it's about education, the freedom people dot org.

We're really an education group to try and help educate people and let them know that you're not alone. There's more, you know what I mean? All of that kind of stuff and that's really what you seem to be really excelling at right now is the education side of things because that's really what it is, is how, you know, great. We got BT C pay servers, we got our lightning network, we got everything set up, you know, liquidity channels, everything's ready to go. But educating people on why they need to do it even though they see the banks collapsing. Right.

It's still that security blanket that we've believed is secure. But yeah, I don't know. Right. And so how do we educate people and, and, and that's really what I wanted to kind of give some time on is how you educate people and what you offer and, and what you see over the next, you know, six months as far as education and what we can do. Yeah, that's a great question. Very, very, very great question because um yeah, you can have all the tools, you can have all the, the, the, the information, the logical information.

But if, if you cannot, you know, um think uh what you see changes when you change what you see. And so if we, if we don't shift perspective, meaning if we don't let go, what we're used to, if we don't let go of what's normalized, then it's gonna be very difficult to, to use these new tools the right way. Because what, what I believe is actually happening in the space right now, you have like 99% of these projects, unconscious scams, meaning like they were developed by coders that didn't work on their relationship to money.

They didn't try to become aware of who they are physically in relation to these systems. And so they just kind of took traditional banking concepts, put it on the Blockchain and called it new and a ton of traps basically. Um So the, the, the path that I've created for education is more holistic, It's definitely more well rounded. Um The path actually starts more about your relationship to the this energy. Like how do you relate to money? How do you react to it? How do you know who you are physically in relation to the systems?

You know, the, the there's a, there's a manufacture consent that's happening in media right now that implicates us. We go, yeah, that's me and legally lawfully speaking, it's not, you're, you have a physical entity and then that's a digital entity, two separate entities. And so we have to remember who we are. So for my products, my, my journey here, I basically, what I created is a hero's journey towards embodiment towards relationship to money. Uh If you've ever watched any movie, any TV show, it's all structured around the hero's journey.

It's uh Joseph Campbell who is a writer in the 18 hundreds and it's a four quadrant journey towards awareness or becoming the best version of yourself. And it's um I simply put, it's un so you start with unconscious incompetence. So you're unconscious of the incompetence, then you go to conscious incompetence where you become conscious of the bad habits of what you're unconscious of. And then you become conscious competence where you start to shift away from the bad habits and start to be consciously practicing the good habits. And most people stay there most of their lives, they, they'll stay in the, in the conscious competence area.

But then, then the goal is to become the master. You know, this is when you do 103,000 hours, 100,000 hours, then it becomes unconscious competence where you actually don't have to think about it anymore. The body just kind of locks into place and knows what to do. Um So my main program that I have, it's an eight week 10 person cohort master mastermind I call it. And um yeah, the next one starts April 10th and the goal there is to bring people through layers that first they become aware of their limitations, right?

They become aware of their challenges who they are in relation to the systems, then they peel that back and then they, they can recreate, they can now create a new relationship with crypto and with that level of money, with that evolution of money. And then um get the guidance, get, you know, the the direction the person, you know the the the place that you want to go towards the, the goals, the intention a lot of people don't, they miss out on what, what is your intention? What's, why are you here?

Why are you in the crypto space? You want to make money fast, you want to separate from the systems. You know, a lot of people are confused on that. They're just like new, bright shiny thing. What is this? And um and then the last being, you know, conquering uh uh not being the victim, you know, when we are met with our challenges, it's easy to go into the fear again. And so I, I create embodiment challenges in the container to where you have to be, you have to meet that resistance and go, I see you now and I'm going to push through it.

And then the goal is to become, you know, the best version of yourself where you now, not only are you connected more deeply with your relationship to money, but now you can go online into the crypto space and do the practical. And there's, and there's a different experience when you've shifted your relationship as opposed to someone that hasn't. Yeah. And when you, when you really, you know, put attention on that, I think that, that, that really, you know, we pay attention and that's, that's the one thing we have is attention.

And why do you think marketing, they, we just hired a new marketing manager director, right? I mean, why do they make good money? Why? Because it's all about grabbing your attention, like, everywhere you. Right. It's the attention and that's what you're saying is if we become mindful and intent in what we're doing, it changes things. Right. Like, now I'm gonna address that instead of just, like, not even ever paying attention to it. Right. I mean, you know, and that's what we're saying is that, that education piece is so vital.

Um, and that's where we find ourselves. Right? It's like, I mean, most people don't even know how to, how to, what a wallet is. What's a digital wallet like. And furthermore, how, how would I, you know, anonymously get money onto my wallet, right? Like you're saying, how can I use Bitcoin the right way? Well, I got, you know, we got on ramp and off ramp somewhere, right? And how does all this work? And, and so again, thanks for what you do, man. That's, it's, um, it's invaluable information and we got to get more of it out. Right.

And it's like, and, and because it's really about that adoption and that's how we feel is like, well, can we give people a place to land safely or softly? Right? To help, help them because something's gonna happen. I mean, um, and I, I think that that's on the individual to become aware, right? Um, it really is and that's, that's where I, I, I know you've probably found it too, is, is you can't really wake somebody up that's not ready to be woke up. Right. I mean, it's, that's not us that we don't do any of it and just like, I'm sure, you know. Right.

I mean, everybody that you bring through your class, it's great that you're showing them these things but they have to do it. Right. We, as the individual, we have to do it. Yeah. Selfishly, selfishly. I'm making, I'm trying to make copies of myself with, with my students so that I don't have to do as much work and then like they're kind of teaching each other. But, but yes, like it's like, um I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna coddle you. I'm not gonna baby you through this. You have to do the work, you have to step into that fear and push through it.

And um uh you know, this is why this is the hero's journey. This is why I created it this way because I don't want you to be dependent on me. Right. Right. I'm trying to, yeah, I'm trying to help you cut the dependency with all these systems to create one with me. No, no, I want you to be able to fish and then I want you to be able to fix the fishing rod when it breaks, to go back to fishing and not have to call anybody dude.

You know, you know what is funny is that we're so we're so used to and, and that's what we see as well. Right. Where we do the same thing. We're like, ok, now you are a free independent soul. OK? Well, I need you to help me. So it's like, no, no, no, no. It's like we, how do we, how do we gotta questions, ask questions? I'm not gonna tell you what to do, ask questions and then I'll answer. Right. Right. Exactly. And we're here for support and that's the thing.

We're always here for support. It's just people have been so used to again, like we were saying earlier, just kind of jumping on to that next thing, which is just another support system instead of learning to support themselves and stand on their own. You know, I, I, I say no, I say no to a lot of people that lean, yeah, they come in like, so can I just can, I just hire you and you can be, you can, you can invest my money and you, you manage it and I'm like, no, no.

And they're, and they're willing to pay, you know, 10% 20%. And I'm like, no. And it's not even about, it's not about the money and it's not even about the stress that comes with that. By the way, I've done that super stressful being a broker for somebody that's just goodness gracious. I, I did that for, for about a year with somebody that uh uh this was back when it was like, still very volatile. It was like 2018, she gave me half a million dollars. It was this billionaire that I knew gave me half a million dollars.

I doubled it. I doubled that mother, you know, in a year. Uh, it was the most stressful thing I ever did in my life and I handed her back a million dollars and I said I'm good, I'm done. But it was, but it was an experience for me and yeah, now I, I, I don't do it anymore because, uh, again, not, not just about that but because I'm like, this is, this is what, that's not what this is about. This is not about being another asset, class, stocks, commodities, crypto and let's make money.

No, this is a paradigm shift. And one of the things that I noticed with her, she was a billionaire, um, she didn't want, she was like, I'm good, I'm a billionaire. What do I need a new system for the system? Works for her. Um, so, so that's the other thing too. I, I realized I was like, she's not really here to, to benefit or to help this system forward. She's just here to make some money, which is fine, which is fine. But, uh I needed to kind of decide for myself what I wanted to do.

But you had a different mission obviously, man. I mean, I mean, it's a different mission. Yeah, for sure. And, and, and, and that's what we're talking about. It is the paradigm shift. It's, um, and so these, these billionaires, right? I mean, they've got to know, like you said, they know, they know they know it's gonna collapse. So, I mean, and that's where they're, are they kind of hitching themselves onto another system that's kind of parallel to what they've been. Right? Is that what bricks is, is that what we're, we're, we're trying to continue to keep, yeah, bricks, bricks, they're trying to basically continue it moving forward.

But, but going back to gold back and like, you know, the gold back thing, that's a trap. That's like they're trying to suck in the, uh the older generation that is used to that. I mean, anybody, all the students that I've on boarded that are over 40 503 like, they're like sucked into that paradigm. Um, which is fine, which is fine if you have the physical gold, the physical gold. But a lot of them do. Uh, gold. Yeah, it's all, it's all, it's all paper. Yeah. So all fake papers.

Yeah, they found a way to. Right. Exactly. They fractional reserve that, right. Just like they did in the back and the day and they take your gold and that was it. Um, uh when was it? Just recently? I think it was in Africa, Egypt, something like that. But they just discovered um, all gold or no? No, I was in Nigeria maybe. Yeah, like 11 $11 trillion in gold. Just packed. Ok. So, which is all the gold ever in history ever found then that's called inflation guys. You know what I mean?

That, that just so now and that's the thing is that even, even gold and silver is manipulable because you can go mine more, right? And so, and that's where, and I know we talked about it last time and that's why if you really think about it, if we're talking about like when you first, when we started, it's about storing your energy, it's our power, we're storing our energy somewhere. If you had to store your energy somewhere to try and keep it. You know what I mean at the value when you, when you put that store, that energy in what, what better place to do it than Bitcoin, like seriously, like I said, and what you just said is very important because it's, it's, it's literally just a shift in perspective.

If you're looking at Bitcoin as an asset and you're looking at the dollar value on the screen, then you now externalize your worth to that screen to determine the thing that you own. The way you described it is flipping it. It's like, what am I input into this? What value am I adding to this, this thing that holds value where now it won't be affected by the mainstream dollar. And so that, that, that's a huge shift that happens there. So now you start to uh um manage it and strategize with it very differently.

Very right. And that's what we're saying. It's like, but it's so hard for us. I mean, me, I mean, we still look at the dollars. I mean, we still operate in dollars. So you're like, ok, well, I'm trying to use, what's my measuring stick? It's like, ok, well, nothing. And that's the thing. You got to kind of get rid of all that and your measuring stick is your, your and your soul. That's really in it. And I, and I'll tell you this last piece in here and this might actually help people shift the last two years, 2 to 3 years, we've had a 35 40% inflation every year.

So it's like, you know, is it, it probably is better to go into crypto, even if, even if Bitcoin goes down 50% from here, it's still better. It's still better. It's still doing what's happening in that system. So, you know, and it's increasing the 40 it's uh I would say it's more like 50% right now and this year, this year just like it's bananas, like we just printed another three trillion uh because of all this stuff. So it's like, and everybody sees the prices of things going up and they're like, oh, well, that gas, why is gas expensive?

It's not the purchasing power of your dollar is less, right? And that's, that's the thing that people don't think of either is that's just what's been systematically done. But that's, that's the Ponzi scheme of the fiat, right? That's by design. Eventually it has to be worth nothing and collapse. It has to party on Wayne. There's a, there's a, there's a chart, it's called the Bitcoin uh stock to Fomo hyperbolic chart which is a correlation between the inflation rate of fiat to the deflation rate of Bitcoin. That's it.

Just Bitcoin uh the date at which the dollar will be zero. Essentially like you, you won't be able to trade any amount of Bitcoin for any amount of dollars because it will be worthless. Is uh 343. May actually, that's like a five year. It's math, it's math, bro. Look, I'll show it to you right here. It is. Um There it is May 21st 2029. This is the, the chart. Holy Moly May 21st 2029. And this is the uh this is right here due to due to the forever rising value of Bitcoin and the forever declining value of fiat.

There will be a day after which no one will exchange even a single Satoshi for any amount of fiat. Uh It's May 21st 2029. This is a math problem. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I, I don't think we're gonna feel it before we'll, we'll feel it in the next like couple of years where inflation will hit and then by, by, by 2027 it will be done. Done. 26 27. And that's why we're looking maybe a year or two before it's $1003,000 for us d, for a loaf of bread. Right. And, and, and I use that because there a whole Zimbabwe thing where it happened in Zimba, I mean, everybody remembers it was like, you know, a billion dollars to get bread and, or a billion of their currencies, whatever. Right.

So, um, and I hope eventually they'll just go like, um, oh, the bread is five Satoshi. Exactly. Well, that's something's got to jump at some point. Right. And that's what I'm saying. Our peg has to jump at some. Something's gotta give, I mean, it doesn't make any sense but I, we're running low on time but one last thing I wanted to chat about because it's, uh, well, maybe we'll get another one in this next year. But the, having the Bitcoin having is, uh, is coming up next year. Right.

Um, I think, uh, a year about a year. Right. Yeah. It's like less than a year. I'm, I'm looking it up right now. Yeah. The Bitcoin having is something that a lot of April 2024. Yeah, I mean, exactly. A year. Yeah. So what can you explain just real quick? What is the Bitcoin having? So, the Bitcoin Half Halfen or Halfing is essentially, it's something that's built into Bitcoin itself to create deflation so that it's, um, so that the, the amount of Bitcoin that gets generated goes down and this is good, you know, this is good in general just to create more value over time, but basically built into it every 10 minutes.

Uh Sorry, every 26.25 minutes. Uh because I, I, I lost, I lost the video. Um I don't even know where you went. So I'm, I'm like on the computer trying to find the page again. Where did you go? So, here it is. I found it. Oh, I was like, where did I go? All right. So every 210 minutes today, 210, Bitcoin gets generated and distributed evenly to all the miners. The miners are the people with the computers that are like processing the, the network. Um uh it gets distributed evenly based on their processing power.

So if you have 210 you know, 250 processing power and you have 234, 103 processing power, then you get that uh percentage of 210 Bitcoins distributed every 210 minutes. So, in a year in the half, that number is gonna go from 22500 to 3.125. So it'll get cut in half. Um So that's, that's something that happens every four years, every four years. The amount of Bitcoin that gets generated every 10 minutes gets cut in half. So we started at 50 Bitcoins, every 10 minutes went to 25 you know, 12.5 to that. And now 103. Now we're gonna go to 3.125. When this happens, a lot of people don't know this part but when this happens, um well, first of all, you have this marriage between the miners and the traders.

So you have traders that are using quantitative trading bots. So they're using uh this code that they created that is tapping into not only the markets but also the the processing power of the miners. OK. So you have the traders and then you have the miners when the price of Bitcoin goes down. So let's let's push aside the happening for a second. When the price of Bitcoin goes down, the miners, they're reacted to it because they're paying electric bills, right? So they have to make sure that they're profitable.

And so it gets to a point where they're like, oh, we're not being profitable anymore because the price based on the output of energy. So we're going to start turning the machines off or they even sell it or they even sell the Bitcoins that they have in reserve. So, and then it actually drives the price even lower in the markets because they have to sell the Bitcoin that they generated. So that drives the price down. And essentially the, the network starts to lose processing power or mining power every 10 minutes too. Ok?

So every 10 minutes, 6.25 goes out at the same time, every 10 minutes. The network is, is, is self adjusting. It's looking at itself, it's looking at how many miners are in there, how many Bitcoins are in circulation. It's, it's, it's determining the ecosystem based on supply and demand, very unbiased and which is great. That's why we love Bitcoin. And so then it'll adjust if there's not a lot of minors in there. And it's at a certain difficulty level because that's how it measures it, it creates a, a math formula and then it, if it gives that, that math formula to everyone and says here, solve it.

And then based on the difficulty of the math problem, that's the difficulty level of getting New Bitcoin. So every 10 minutes it'll, if minors go down, the difficulty will go down and then it becomes profitable again, like it becomes easier for the person that had that same amount of processing power to now make the same amount of money they were making before at the higher price point. Hm. And so then they're like, oh, crap, it's profitable again. Turn the machines back on because we gotta make because they have a, they have a, there's a short window there to make, make a good amount of money in a short amount of time, right?

They start turning them back on, it starts to drive the processing power back up. Thus, every 10 minutes the the ecosystem goes, oh, there's more miners again, put the difficulty back up and then it starts to adjust again with it. Um So there's this marriage that happens back and forth between the traders and the miners because the m the traders are using bots to keep an eye on the the miners as well on the, on the power. And so literally, there's this like, and it's all in like real time happening with each other.

And so when the happening starts to get near, this is what I've noticed around the halfway point. So from the beginning of the happening to the halfway point, we have a run. That's when the runs usually happen and what they're doing there, they're baking in the next price to make sense in the happening. So like for the miners to keep profitable at the at the um money that's coming in so that they keep consistent with the dollar value coming in, you have to put like the price has to go up to compensate the happening, the 50% cut. Right. Right.

That's what happens. You have a, you have a two year run and then you have a usually a two year bear. So right now we're in that two and it was actually longer because this is the first time also in the history of Bitcoin that it has matched the rhythm of mainstream markets. And so this is a whole other. That's why this right, right here is epic in comparison to any other time. Wow! Epic conversation, man. Epic. Seriously, I love talking to you, man. This is the uh especially the right now and what we're doing.

It's um or not we, but this the, I don't know, situation, the story we find ourselves in right now is quite interesting and being able to have and talk about this is just, it's beautiful. But before we go, can you tell everybody how to find you? Yes. Um So if you guys wanna connect with me, I am on Instagram. I go on there every day now. I'm posting like 34 times a day now and uh having a lot of fun with it because I have a team finally that can take care of the back end stuff.

So uh find me on Instagram. It's at Auto Gomes O T O G O M E s or you can go to my website auto Gomes dot live, O T O G O M E s dot live. Um I have all my products on there and uh yeah, get in the community. The community is growing. We have uh we've, we've had 100 students so far, go through the 10 week or the eight week, 10 person cohort and about, and we have about 2500 people in the community uh that have done one of the courses, either a free product or you know, one of the online courses.

Wow, man. Congratulations. That's beautiful. Thank you. Thanks for what you're doing, man. And uh we'll talk very soon. Thank you. Awesome. Thank you brother. Appreciate it. Thank you guys. Bye.

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